Sekai 🌐 🗺

Sekai (世界) is the kanji for “the world”. That’s a great word because of the scale that it designates.

Xubuntu Screen Enlargement

Tonight, the screen of Xubuntu suddenly enlarged and blurred. Typing “xubuntu screen display enlarged” on Google, I’ve learnt that the <Alt> key and the mouse scroll wheel can enlarge/minify screen display from Ubuntu Forums.


Cantonese vs Mandarin for Reading Tang Poems

Comparison using Du Mu's poem

This is a linkblog to a post on Discuss HK which claims how Mandarin (普通話) messes up the flat and oblique tones (平仄) of the regulate verse (近體詩) below.

《山行》 杜牧

Cantonese (粵語) Mandarin (普通話)

However, Kimery has checked the Mandarin pinyin (拼音) and (s)he doesn’t found such problem except for some characters with entering tone (入聲). Luckily, such characters are located at the odd numbered position of a verse. Eventually, (after considering other factors,) that won’t harm the variation of tones in principle.

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Quels schémas à tester ?

Pour simuler les trajectoires d’une équation différentielle, le schéma le plus facile est l’un découvert par Euler.

Cependant, en espérant mettre ce que j’ai vu au cours de ma licence en pratique, j’ai cherché un peu sur des méthodes numériques pour les EDS sur Google, et je suis tombé sur un article écrit par Brian D. Ewald.

Les différences entre les schémas « forts » et « faibles » seraient-ils pertinents pour mon stage ? On va voir.

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Borel Cantelli Exercise 2019

I intend to post this for a Borel-Cantelli lemma exercise on Math.SE.

The target event is ${\exists i_0 \in \Bbb{N} : \forall i \ge i_0, X_i = 1}$, whose complement is

$$ {\forall i_0 \in \Bbb{N} : \exists i \ge i_0, X_i > = 0} = \limsup_i {X_i = 0}. $$

To apply Borel-Cantelli, one has to determine whether $\sum_i P(X_i = 0)<+\infty$.

Mise à jour du template de lettre

Template de lettre en Xe$\LaTeX$


J’ai publié mon template de lettre en Xe$\LaTeX$ sur mon ancien blog (hébergé sur GitHub Pages) il y a trois ans.

Problème et solution

Après le changement de l’ordi portable, il me faut l’installation du pacquetage “texlive-lang-french” sur la nouvelle version d’Ubuntu. Sinon, une erreur du pacquetage Babel se surviendra.

! Package babel Error: Unknown option `frenchb'. Either you misspelled it
(babel)                or the language definition file frenchb.ldf was not foun

See the babel package documentation for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.

l.445 \ProcessOptions*


A ce stade, Xe$\LaTeX$ parviendra à compiler le fichier $\TeX$ avec une remarque à propos de l’obsolescence de l’option frenchb pour le pacquetage Babel.

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Staticman Failure on Tsalikis' Site

Use Alternative Staticman API server

After reading Hugo Comments with Staticman on Kostas Tsalikis’ web site, I tried to leave the following comment.

As far as I know, Staticman can be used only with GitHub, since it works as a GitHub bot. Obviously, not all static sites are saved in GitHub, and this may be a showstopper for someone using another service. Thanks to eduardoboucas/staticman#219, Staticman now supports GitLab. You may view my demo Hugo site on Framagit at Source) as a working example.

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Staticman Repo Setup Errors

Common Staticman Config Erorrs in Git repos


Idem to Staticman on Framagit.

Besides, the build time for my Staticman + Beautiful Hugo demo on Framagit is half of that for the same project on


After the setup, it’s possible that the theme shows “Sorry! There’s an error during submission.” To get an insight into this error, one has to open Web Developer ToolsNetwork and select the row corresponding to the POST request sent to the Staticman API. A side pane will pop out on the right. Select Response to view the API’s response in JSON.

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Staticman's Encryption Mechanism

Verify encrypted content


Staticman’s documentation gives a link to the public key for the public Staticman instance.

I’ve set up my own Staticman instance for testing Staticman’s native GitLab support. It’s a coincidence that the public Staticman instance has been hitting it’s API limit, as reported in Staticman issue 227. To help others, I’ve published the URL of my own Staticman instance, which is associated with the GitHub/GitLab user staticmanlab. As Node.js’s RSA library has been used in Staticman, I have the responsibility to publish the public RSA key for my Staticman instance.

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Staticman on Framagit

It’s a pity that some GitLab users have removed Staticman from their repo. I saw demand for Staticman from Framagit users. Therefore, after two days of testing, another API instance for Framagit has been created at (Edit: typo edited, please see my comment below.)

The default GitLab base URL is set to “”. To provide Staticman support for a self-hosted GitLab service, another Staticman API server has to be set up.

I tried applying for OpenShift, but it’s been reported on Reddit that it takes about 10–20 days to get started. Amazon requires verification by credit card. I couldn’t deploy Staticman using Zeit Now’s Node.js server builder. Finally, I turned back to Heroku.

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