Flying Grizzly's HTML Form Submission Error

Filling in hidden missing fields

Problem I would like to submit Flying Grizzly’s form. I filled in every blanks and then I clicked the “submit” button below. I was greeted with a MISSING_REQUIRED_FIELDS error within a second. HTML form every entry filled in Staticman v2 server response 500 internal server error { "success":false, "data":["replying_to"], "rawError":{ "_smErrorCode":"MISSING_REQUIRED_FIELDS", "data":["replying_to"] }, "errorCode":"MISSING_REQUIRED_FIELDS" } Discussion The error code suggested that the form fields sent should be inspected. Open the Web Developer Tools of your web browser. [Read More]
HTML  form 

CJK on Ubuntu 18.04

Support multilingualism on Linux and become plurilingual

Goal To enable Chinese and Japanese input on (X)ubuntu 18.04 laptops . My choices of input method old new OS Xubuntu 18.04 Ubuntu 18.04 Desktop Environment Xfce GNOME Input method Fcitx IBus Language Method 中文 Rime 日本語 Mozc On my old Fujitsu laptop running Xubuntu, I’ve chosen Fcitx. This turns out to be a difficult choice when I install Rime. Japanese input Thanks to ひゃまだ, I’ve managed to switch between difference modes in Mozc. [Read More]
Linux  CJK 

Zsh and NPM Setup on Ubuntu

Automate settings with Oh My Zsh

Problem After installing NPM throught Ubuntu’s default apt-get manager, I got permission errors. Though sudo can solve the problem, that’s not the right way in principle because NPM is supposed to hold different versions of Node.js packages for testing. It’s insecure to execute npm with sudo priviledges. Solutions Install Zsh to improve efficiency Grab Oh My Zsh to instal NVM as its plugin. sh -c "$(curl -fsSL" Use NVM (NPM Version Manager) to manage NPM. [Read More]
Zsh  NPM 

Towards Better File Management

Use git-annex like your local library

Le Temple du Marais "Eglise verte" means "green church". Background: 🈶 ⛪ → 🌿 → 📧 In the recent decade, organizations are replacing courrier with email. The reason is two-folded. 🌿 First, the later is more environmentally-friendly. 📨 Second, the later delivers the content to the recipient quick as a flash. 📧 📎 When one sends an email, one sometimes wants to attach a file to an email. If one has to sign a paper document and send it by email, then one will probably need a scanner. [Read More]

Laptop Battery Life

Avoid deep discharges

Main ideas – Ideal energy range for storage: 40%–80% The biggest enemy of electronic parts is heat . Avoid overchanging and unplug AC adapter when charging is complete. In particular, don’t leave a fully charged laptop connected to power supply. This can reduce the lifespan of the battery. Avoid deep discharges: recharge the laptop battery when its enery level drops to 40%. Reduce unnecessary programs running in background. If your hardware vendor supports Linux drivers for batteries, set the charging thershold to 80%. [Read More]

Ubuntu 18.04 Installation on Fujitsu AH557

Ubuntu installation on hybrid system

Objective To get a hands-on experience on Ubuntu installation on a UEFI hybrid system. Devices 120 GB SSD disk: /dev/sda 1 TB HDD disk: /dev/sdb 8 GB USB key: /dev/sdc Stage 0: precautions Ensure that your machine has enough power. Disable Secure Boot in M$ Windows Disable Quick Boot in boot menu Stage 1: Make your live USB key I tried Xubuntu’s built-in disk writing tool to create a live USB key from the official ISO file. [Read More]

Fujitsu LH532 Keyboard Cleaning

Keyboard Cleaning DIY

😖 @ 📃! This post contains unpleasant images. If you don’t wish to see them, please view this page with a text browser or a text mode plugin of your browser. Rationale Why? My Fujitsu LH532 has been serving me well as my production machine for almost six years. The keyboard was quite dirty: it’s full of hair and dandruff. I had to clean it for personal hygiene. My dirty keyboard I Hair and dandruff under the keys [Read More]

Brightness Key on Linux

Adjust brightness on Xubuntu 18.04

Problem One can use xrandr to adjust screen brightness. However, the factor (default to 1.0) is relative to the current brightness. How to enable the brightness adjust keys / on the keyboard under Xubuntu 18.04? Solution Toz’s post on Ubuntu Forum works like a charm. The default value for GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX is an empty string. Changing it to acpi_backlight=vendor and updating the GRUB has solved the problem since the next boot. [Read More]