Config GitLab Repo for Staticman

Update: I suggest reading a newer tutorial. To keep focused on the technical setup, please refer to the introduction of this series for the reasons of choosing Staticman and GitLab. Goal To set up unauthenticated commenting system on GitLab pages. Demo GitLab Page with Staticman v3 Built on 14/09/2018 This post aims at providing a walkthrough to the GitLab repo setup. If you want to host your own Staticman API instance, you may refer to the next post in this series. [Read More]

Welcome to static comments

Staticman Powered GitLab Pages

I put some “why” questions here so as to keep focus on the technical setup of the GitLab repo and the optional Staticman API server. Why static blogs instead of dynamic ones? quicker loading time better reliability (can handle more request) no database needed greater control on content, styles and layout Why static comments? allow feedback from visitors site owner owns the comment locally (unlike WordPress, Facebook, Disqus, etc) no remote database needed, so no need to worry server errors from third-party commenting services. [Read More]

Beautiful Hugo Improvements

Some bug fixes, Font Awesome 5, and more ...

Fixed issue #142 Two weeks ago, Google Webmasters complained about the broken urls in this blog’s Tags page. This was reported by Joakim Vivas as issue #142 half a year ago. Pascal had submitted pull request #165 to fix this. However, he self-closed his PR. Since the last commit by Michael Romero, Beautiful Hugo’s owner, was five months ago, it seems that he has abandonned his project. Therefore, I used Kaushal Modi’s solution to fix this at commit ff536782. [Read More]

Missing Newline at EOL

Bash detection for dirty EOL and batch editing

Background Despite my experience in Vim, the multi-cursor functionality in Sublime Text 3 has seduced my to change my editor. Unlike Vim, a nonempty new line at the end of Sublime Text 3 file buffer causes the file to end without a newline character. In fact, it’s a POSIX standard to include a newline character at the EOL (end of file). (c.f. No Newline at End of File) Problem Unaware of the above POSIX standard and Sublime Text 3 convention, I have edited many lines of code in the repository for this blog and the one for my custom Beautiful Hugo. [Read More]

Brighten Image With GIMP

Motivation One loves adding colors to his/her life by adding stunning photos to his/her social media profile. However, due to various constraints, such as weather, budget and time, it’s possible that the photos taken look dark and somber. Eglise St Martine Photo taken at Pont-du-Château, Puy-de-Dôme (63) on 30th June, 2017 Despite a suboptimal choice of camera angle, a right tool enables you to take the best out of the photo. [Read More]

Web Image Optimisation with GIMP

My preferred parameters for web image compression

Why image optimization? To save loading . My old way ImageMagick provides a great CLI utility to convert and compress images for any purposes. However, to -crop images, I have to specify the numbers in pixels. One certainly works much more efficiently with a GUI tool. My new way GIMP can do anything that Adobe Photoshop can do, even saving images for web. In the linked page to this powerful GIMP plugin tutorial, the link for the GNU/Linux binary file is broken. [Read More]

Hugo Image Path Refactoring

Make the best of Hugo page resources

Goal To set up a reasonable content structure for my blog. Before Hugo In my old Octopress blog, images and posts were placed under source/images/posts and source/_posts folders respectively. They were so far apart that I needed to use copy and paste the URL’s so as to get them right. As the size of the blog grew, I could hardly retrieve an image without first listing the files in the post image folder. [Read More]

My First Post

Introduction Hello World! This is my new GitLab page powered by Hugo. I’m setting up this blog to practise my math, foreign languages and IT skills. Why Hugo? My original goal is to set up a personal blog for posting math. I used to work with Octopress, but resolving the dependencies and other technical issues had actually took much more time and effort than expected. As a result, I digressed a lot from my studies to look into those problems. [Read More]