A secondary school student posted a coordinate geometry question on a Discord
homework help server. A helper replied to that question with an illustration of
the Perpendicular Distance Formula
Posted on June 17, 2022
(Last modified on June 19, 2022)
| 2 minutes
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I firsted tried with foreach, but that would create so much paths. I found
them difficult to operate on later, for example, with PGF plots library
fillbetween. const plot is a better solution.
\documentclass{standalone}\usepackage{pgfplots}\pgfplotsset{compat=1.18}\usetikzlibrary{patterns}\usepgfplotslibrary{fillbetween}\begin{document}\newcommand\myN{8}\pgfplotsset{ axis lines=center,
legend style={at={(1,1)},anchor=north east,fill=none},
title style={at={(0.5,1.05)}},
every axis x label/.style={ at={(ticklabel* cs:1)},
every axis y label/.style={ at={(ticklabel* cs:1)},
title={sum of hatched region converges to Euler's constant},
extra x ticks={1, \myN},
extra x tick labels={$1$, $n$},
extra y ticks={1},
\addplot[name path=A,domain=1:\myN,samples=501,smooth]{1/x}\closedcycle;
\addlegendentry{$y =\frac{1}{x}$};
\addplot+[domain=1:\myN+1,samples=\myN+1,jump mark left,blue,mark=*,mark options={draw=blue,fill=blue}] {1/x};
\addlegendentry{$y =\frac{1}{\lfloor x \rfloor}$};
\addplot+[name path=B,domain=1:\myN+1,samples=\myN+1,jump mark left,mark=none, draw=none] {1/x}\closedcycle;
\addplot[pattern=north east lines] fill between [of=A and B];
In my previous post about LaTeX tables, I used \cellcolor{white} to
override the \rowcolor{cyan} in a cell in the leftmost column, which was the
column type name.
On Discord, that cell became black because TeXit inverted black and white.
I first tried blending black and white, and I found that black!27 and
black!28 give a good approximation to Discord’s background color.
Thanks to this Discord Color Palette and a bot command
channel on a server, I’ve observed that the desired color is RGB(54,57,62).
This is a first draft of a TikZ picture illustraing this classical formula to be
used for math help channels.
Adding \caption{for the picture} without “Figure 1:” requires
\usepackage{caption} and wrapping with \begin{figure}. It also possible to
use the primitive TeX command \par, but it would be complicated to use that
with standalone. In the previous post, the SVG picture from the LaTeX table
in an article has too much useless whitespace around the table. I don’t
bother to learn other packages, as I need time for other more important stuff.