Filters and Nets
Some basic examples
Posted on October 3, 2018
(Last modified on February 16, 2021)
| 2 minutes
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$$ \gdef\vois#1#2{\mathcal{V}_{#1}(#2)} $$
Nets and filters are used for describing convergence in a non-metric space $X$.
Denote the collection of (open) neighbourhoods of $x \in X$ by $$\vois{X}{x}$$.
Definitions and examples
- Directed set
- A partially ordered set $I$ such that
$$\forall i, j \in I: i \le j, \exists k \in I: k \ge j.$$
- Net
- A function in $X^I$, where $I$ is a directed set.
- example: any sequence in $X^\N$
- Convergence of nets to a point
- $x_i \to x$ if
$$\forall A \in \vois{X}{x}, \exists j \in I: \forall k \ge j, x_k \in A.$$
- example: absolute convergence of series ($I$ is the collection of finite
subsets of $\N$, finite sum $\Sigma \in \R^I$.)
- example: Riemann integral ($I$ is the collection of tagged partitions,
the partial order doesn’t depend on tags, $\int \in \R^I$.)
- Filter base
- A nonempty collection $\mathcal{F} \subseteq \mathcal{P}(X) \setminus
{\varnothing}$ such that
$$\forall F,G \in \mathcal{F},\exists H \in \mathcal{F}: H \subseteq F \cap G.$$
(contains nonempty part of intersection)
Difference with topological basis: sets have to be nonempty here
- Filter
- A filter base $\mathcal{F}$ so that
- contains supersets: $\forall F \in \mathcal{F}, \forall G \supseteq F, G \in \mathcal{F}$
- contains intersection: $\forall F, G \in \mathcal {F}, F \cap G \in \mathcal{F}$
The image of a filter $\mathcal{F}$ under a function $f$ is also a filter,
denoted by $f[[\mathcal{F}]]$.
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Cover Letter Organisation
A simple summary
Posted on October 2, 2018
(Last modified on October 3, 2018)
| 1 minutes
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I keep sentences below short and minimal for memory.
- Sender’s contact info at top-right hand corner, followed by receipent’s
contact info left-aligned.
- “I’m …”, “apply for …, as advertised in …”
- Why apply? Link with the company(’s employee)
- Pastimes (all-rounded person), continual learning (for useful skills)
- Friendly, polite and to-the-point sign-off
- Signature followed by sender’s name
Minimal Jekyll Site with Static Comments
Setup Staticman v3 and Jekyll on GitHub Pages
Posted on September 30, 2018
(Last modified on April 13, 2023)
| 2 minutes
1 comment
This is the GitHub Pages version to
my GitLab Pages with Staticman tutorial.
I didn’t plan to test whether Staticman v3 work on GitHub since it’s
proprietary. However, from Staticman issues #222 and #227,
we know that the official server doesn’t respond to
GET /v2/connnect/<USERNAME>/<REPONAME>
To help others, I self-advertised my own Staticman API instance and the
migration to GitLab pages. Unfortunately, nobody had managed to
create a GitHub repo running on my API instance. To convince others that it’s
also working on GitHub, I decided to create a minimal GitHub repo.
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Espace de trajectoires
Comparaison des références
Posted on September 28, 2018
(Last modified on February 16, 2021)
| 2 minutes
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Tribu produit
source |
symbole |
engendrée par |
Prof |
$\Er{\OXT}$ |
$\mathcal{C}_0 = \Big\lbrace \lbrace f \in E^\Bbb{T} \mid f(t) \in B \rbrace \bigm\vert t \in \Bbb{T}, B \in \Er \Big\rbrace$ $\mathcal{C}_1 = \Big\lbrace \lbrace f \in E^\Bbb{T} \mid f(t_i) \in B_i \forall i \in \lbrace 1,\dots,n \rbrace \rbrace \newline \bigm\vert t_j \in \Bbb{T}, B_j \in \Er \forall j \in \lbrace 1,\dots,n \rbrace, n \in \N^* \Big\rbrace$ |
Meyre |
$\bigotimes_{t \in \Bbb{T}} \Er$ |
des cylindres $C = \prod_{t \in \Bbb{T}} A_t$ d’ensembles mesurables $A_t \in \Er$ de dimension finie $\card{\lbrace t \in \Bbb{T} \mid A_t \neq E \rbrace} < \infty$ |
Je trouve $\Er{\OXT}$ plus court à écrire, tandis que
$\bigotimes_{t \in \Bbb{T}} \Er$ est plus flexible.
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Real Number Construction From Dedekind Cuts
A geometrically intuitive approach
Posted on September 27, 2018
(Last modified on February 16, 2021)
| 2 minutes
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To gain a real understanding on real numbers.
Analytical construction
I “swallowed” the Compleness Axiom, then I worked on exercises on
$\sup$ and $\inf$, and then the
$\epsilon$-$\delta$ criterion for limits, before completing $\Q$ with
Cauchy sequences.
I’ve also heard about the completion of a metric space in a more
general setting. My professor once said that it suffices to view this proof
once throughout lifetime: the proof itself wasn’t very useful.
The basic arithmetic properties of $\R$, as an equivalence class of Cauchy
sequences sharing the same limits, didn’t arouse our interests. That’s just
an extension of its rational counterpart due to some arithmetic properties of
[Read More]
Custom $\KaTeX$ Macros
More efficient math editing
Posted on September 27, 2018
(Last modified on April 13, 2023)
| 2 minutes
Same as the last section in Beautiful Hugo Improvements.
To write math efficiently by automatically loading longer code with shorter
macro code.
For example, when I wrote Some Infinite Cardinality Identities, it
would be ten times more quicker and efficient to type \card{C}
than to write
all the time.
Changes committed to my repo
The current version of Beautiful Hugo is still using $\KaTeX$ v0.7,
which doesn’t support macros in auto-rendering. It would be inconvenient to
include the macros after invoking $\KaTeX$’s render
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Better Hugo ToC Fix
A JavaScript free way to improve default ToC
Posted on September 27, 2018
| 1 minutes
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I applied a fix to Hugo’s ToC ten days ago.
To make the script non-render blocking, one has to place it in the footer.
As a result, it takes about 0.2 seconds to remove the excess <ul>
Thanks to Beej126’s Hugo template code, this site delivers table of
contents processed by Hugo during GitLab’s continuous deployment.
Some Infinite Cardinality Identities
Working with infinite sets
Posted on September 25, 2018
(Last modified on September 7, 2024)
| 11 minutes
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This post aims at recapturing the main ideas of the formal proofs that I’ve
read. It never tries to replace them. You may consult the
references if you need any of them.
Some notations
Unless otherwise specified, all cardinalities here are infinite. Denote
$\mathfrak{a} = \card{A}$, $\mathfrak{b} = \card{B}$ and
$\mathfrak{i} = \card{I}$.
- Sum
- $\mathfrak{a} + \mathfrak{b} = \card{A \cup B}$ provided that
$A \cap B =\varnothing$.
- Product
- $\mathfrak{a} \, \mathfrak{b} = \card{A \times B}$
- Power
- $\mathfrak{a}^\mathfrak{i} = \card{A^I}$, where $A^I =
\lbrace f \mid f: I \to A \rbrace$ denotes the set of functions from $I$ to $A$.
I've chosen $I$ instead of $B$ to express the index set because this reminds me
of an array of $(a_i)_i$ indexed by $I$.
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Install Julia From Source
Custom built Julia from GitHub
Posted on September 22, 2018
(Last modified on April 13, 2023)
| 2 minutes
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To get Julia installed as a normal user on RHEL 6.
“Julia talks like Python but walks like C.”
To do statistics more efficiently.
The compiled binaries often contain install scripts which put files to shared
folders under /usr
. Consequently, they have to be run as sudo privileges.
That drove me to start this lengthy Julia compilation.
Without sudo privileges, I’ve chosen to compile Julia from source.
I was too lazy to get the dependencies fixed. I just compiled it
without GFortran and pkg-config under the ~/src
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My First RHEL Experience
Package installation as a normal user
Posted on September 20, 2018
(Last modified on September 21, 2018)
| 5 minutes
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This article records my errors and difficulties encountered on the first day I
came across Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 in my school’s laboratory, as a
normal user without sudo privileges.
The login screen was gdm, and the desktop environment was GNOME. IBus was used
as the input engine.
Packages installed
The principal goal is to install tools that I usually use on RHEL without sudo
permissions. To do so, I’ve downloaded the executable binaries or source code
of these packages. As I wanted to focus on my studies, I prefer downloading
executable binaries.
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