Minimal Jekyll Site with Static Comments

Setup Staticman v3 and Jekyll on GitHub Pages


This is the GitHub Pages version to my GitLab Pages with Staticman tutorial.

I didn’t plan to test whether Staticman v3 work on GitHub since it’s proprietary. However, from Staticman issues #222 and #227, we know that the official server doesn’t respond to

GET /v2/connnect/<USERNAME>/<REPONAME>

To help others, I self-advertised my own Staticman API instance and the migration to GitLab pages. Unfortunately, nobody had managed to create a GitHub repo running on my API instance. To convince others that it’s also working on GitHub, I decided to create a minimal GitHub repo.

Why Jekyll?

GitHub has built-in Jekyll support. As long as the file infrastructure is there, GitHub will automatically attempt to build the site from the code in the repo using the static site generator Jekyll. This is quite convenient.


You may view the GitHub repo for my demo site. I’m too lazy to re-type the details.

Programmatically accept invitation on Staticman

Allow @staticmanlab to accept invitation

Screenshot taken on 30th Sep, 2018

comment posted successfully

A successful comment posted on demo site

Screenshot taken on 30th Sep, 2018

Other GitHub Pages served by Staticman v3

  1. A fork of my demo Jekyll site at
  2. Ultima IV Trinity
  3. Cohere City’s pledge
  4. Static Chuck! (Another clone of my demo GitHub repo)
  5. Des voyages, une aventure (in French)

Upgrading to v3 doesn’t mean dropping backward compatibility for v2. (at least, in the near future) Here’s a (non-exhausive) list of sites running on a custom API server.

  1. Personal Website Of Morteza Asadi (in Iranian)
  2. Ricardo Adão’s blog
  3. Thoughts

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