Package Versioning for Julia Projects

Resolved GLM installation error

Update: Thanks to JuliaRegistries/General#647, the version cap of the package Distributions has now been removed, so that one can directly install the package GLM along with Distributions v0.19.2. Background I’m reading the book Statistics with Julia, which makes use of GLM. Problem I encountered the following error, which I posted in the issue GLM.jl#311. (v1.1) pkg> add GLM Resolving package versions... ERROR: Unsatisfiable requirements detected for package GLM [38e38edf]: GLM [38e38edf] log: ├─possible versions are: [0. [Read More]
Julia  GLM 

Insensitive Laptop Touchpad

Log of my Ubuntu Tweak config

Problem The touchpad on my new Ubuntu 18.04 LTS laptop was frozen. Toogling 🖱 with <Fn>-<F4> didn’t worked. Attempt Logout: didn’t work at all Reboot: worked most of the time Partial solution After changing the Mouse Click Emulation in Keyboard & Mouse in Ubuntu Tweak from the default “Fingers” (2 fingers for right click; 3 fingers for middle click) to “Area” (Right/middle click determined by clicked area), one might have to wait for next reboot. [Read More]

Juno Installation 2019

Log of system-wide config

Goal To install Juno for convenient development in Julia. Problem After Juno installation, I received the following error. Analysis From the error message, the system had tried to find an executable file julia, which would then be executed by the shell /bin/sh. Nonetheless, it’s absent from the system’s environment $PATH, so Juno couldn’t find it. I’ve only changed my $PATH in ZSHRC, which is user-specific. Solution This Stack Overflow question about $PATH setting on *nix has provided various solution. [Read More]
Juno  Atom  Julia 

Conditional Batch File Editing

Adopted Mmark for Math Posts

Problem During the adoption of Mmark for math posts on this blog, I had to insert markup: mmark at the last line of front matter of the source file of each math post. Seek help I separated this into two SO questions Sed conditional match and execute command with offset, and A question about AWK multiple line recognition. Solution From #1., I learnt the use of variables in AWK scripts. From #2, some users explained how these variables can be used for multi-line regex search. [Read More]
awk  sed  Mmark 

JavaScript Copy Button

Goal To create a copy button for my Math.SE comment template in order to save the trouble of copying and pasting. My first attempt I put the boilerplate inside a Markdown codeblock to prevent them from getting interpreted by Hugo’s Markdown parser. Under each codeblock, I placed the copy button. Comment boilerplate goes here ... 📝 Another comment boilerplate goes here ... 📝 … My page’s original layout $(document).ready(function() { $('. [Read More]

Julia Rcall Installation

Rcall.jl build failure due to missing dependencies

Problem During the installation of RCall.jl, the package wasn’t successfully built due to a missing variable $R_HOME. $ julia -q julia> Pkg.add("RCall") Resolving package versions... Installed WinReg ─ v0.3.1 Installed RCall ── v0.13.2 Updating `~/.julia/environments/v1.0/Project.toml` [6f49c342] + RCall v0.13.2 Updating `~/.julia/environments/v1.0/Manifest.toml` [6f49c342] + RCall v0.13.2 [1b915085] + WinReg v0.3.1 Building RCall → `~/.julia/packages/RCall/ffM0W/deps/build.log` ┌ Error: Error building `RCall`: │ ERROR: LoadError: R_HOME is not a directory. │ Stacktrace: │ [1] error(::String) at . [Read More]
Julia  RCall  R 

Xubuntu Screen Enlargement

Tonight, the screen of Xubuntu suddenly enlarged and blurred. Typing “xubuntu screen display enlarged” on Google, I’ve learnt that the <Alt> key and the mouse scroll wheel can enlarge/minify screen display from Ubuntu Forums.


Mise à jour du template de lettre

Template de lettre en Xe$\LaTeX$

Contexte J’ai publié mon template de lettre en Xe$\LaTeX$ sur mon ancien blog (hébergé sur GitHub Pages) il y a trois ans. Problème et solution Après le changement de l’ordi portable, il me faut l’installation du pacquetage “texlive-lang-french” sur la nouvelle version d’Ubuntu. Sinon, une erreur du pacquetage Babel se surviendra. ! Package babel Error: Unknown option `frenchb'. Either you misspelled it (babel) or the language definition file frenchb.ldf was not foun d. [Read More]

Staticman's Encryption Mechanism

Verify encrypted content

Background Staticman’s documentation gives a link to the public key for the public Staticman instance. I’ve set up my own Staticman instance for testing Staticman’s native GitLab support. It’s a coincidence that the public Staticman instance has been hitting it’s API limit, as reported in Staticman issue 227. To help others, I’ve published the URL of my own Staticman instance, which is associated with the GitHub/GitLab user staticmanlab. As Node.js’s RSA library has been used in Staticman, I have the responsibility to publish the public RSA key for my Staticman instance. [Read More]