Sekai ๐ŸŒ ๐Ÿ—บ

Sekai (ไธ–็•Œ) is the kanji for “the world”. That’s a great word because of the scale that it designates.

Reuse Commands with Shell Arguments

My arguments for arguments, functions and alias

Background We often want to test the output with different values for a parameter. Here’s an example: we have a parameter that pandoc uses to / compile source code files to PDF / M$ Word / etc. rm output.html; param=0; pandoc input$param.txt -o output.html; \ echo param = $param In practice, a parameter can be a font, the font size, etc, and there can be multiple parameters. Problem To change the value in the parameter (e. [Read More]
linux  tcsh 

Finding Pandoc Logo

Background I’m writing my guide for preparing simple documents. I hope that users can prepare documents efficiently and the prepared documents look smart. Problem To help readers get my message in the linked guide, I used many icons from Font Awesome. However, it doesn’t include pandoc’s logo. I tried searching that using the search string “pandoc logo filetype:svg”. Duckduckgo couldn’t find any results. Luckily, Google found many SVGs. The first result linked to a relevant discussion on Google Groups. [Read More]
pandoc  SVG 

Some Public APIs to Be Viewed

API description
JSON Placeholder mock REST APIs for development only
Google Translate generate free translations up to a certain limit
Open Weather Map weather prediction across the world
REST Countries info about the world’s countries
IP API data about IP addresses
Random Data API like the first one, but with a sharper focus on random data
Pokemon API info about Pokemon with recent introduction of GraphQL API

Merge Two PDF to Single Encrypted PDF

Problem I have unprotected input1.pdf input2.pdf and I want to create one single encrypted.pdf. My try I looked up QPDF’s manual and tried the following command. qpdf --empty --pages input{1,2}.pdf --encrypt upw opw 256 -- encrypted.pdf but I got this error. qpdf: unrecognized argument --encrypt (pages options must be terminated with --) For help: qpdf --help=usage usage information qpdf --help=topic help on a topic qpdf --help=--option help on an option qpdf --help general help and a topic list Solution The sentence inside the parentheses says it all. [Read More]

How to Start an Online Empire Without a Job

A quick way to begin your online empire

Difficulty To start an online empire from zero is not something that can be done easily. One lacks the connection with experienced netizens who might know the inside secrets. Solution You may start your empire on Forge of Empires. You’ll be guided by a beginner-friendly tutorial. The daily tasks are easy and they will only take you a few minutes, but they are rewarding. You’ll end up earning thousands of coins on the website. [Read More]

Ten Probably Handy Sites

A brief summary of 10 Incredibly Useful Websites on Medium. Upword.AI (paid) summarise stuff Gamma (free trial for the moment) get professional slides in min, not open source IMGCreator (free, point-based) text/img โ†’ img, chatGPT powered Popsy (free to create, paid to publish) no-code website buider Visual Capitalist (free) explanatory charts (free for some ล“uvres, paid for own book) type classics out to train typing (free for trial, paid for deploy) no-code app generator for businesses, e. [Read More]

Encrypt PDF on Command Line

Background On M$ Win*, I don’t have dedicated PDF readers like Adobe. During visioconference, one might want to share some downloaded PDFs. Those documents can be part of an ebook or notes. In some situations, they can provide context to a discussion. Problem Under the same folder, you might have downloaded_ebook.pdf personal_info.pdf other_personal_stuff.pdf that you don’t want to expose while streaming. However, each downloaded PDF usually comes with a name set by others. [Read More]

Adjust Git Bash Font and Window Size


Make the characters larger and more readable.


The option names might be found in the manual. Sometimes, I find opening MINGW’s settings through GUI helpful.


I’ve read Gerald Lee’s .minttyrc. I’ve enlarged the window size so that in the standard output, one line can contain more info.

Fujitsu LH532 Thermal Paste Application

Background My old laptop was bought ten years ago. I had never changed the thermal paste between its CPU and its fan. As a result, it had been getting hot during my online tutorials. Photos thermal paste on CPU displaced after ten years thermal paste on fan displaced after ten years dried thermal paste cleaned and removed with isopropyl and kitchen towel I had to look at a previous article written five years ago to confirm the part that I wanted to disconnect. [Read More]

Removed jQuery Dependency from My Math Editor

Background jQuery provides many handy functions to speed up the development, for example document.ready(), element.toggle(), element.hide(), etc. My math editor used some of them. However, I replaced them with Vanilla JavaScript at commit 4a35c45b. Goal Some users complained about the white background in the past versions of my editor. That had motivated me to refactor the code, so that it would be easier to maintain and to add in new features. [Read More]