Icon in Hugo Navbar

Motivation The original navbar in words took up half of the horizontal spaces of the viewport. I couldn’t add new items like “Tags” to display the tag list. Work Thanks to the pre field in Hugo Menus, one can easily add the icon as an HTML element by some editing on the template file. {{ range .Site.Menus.main.ByWeight }} {{ if .HasChildren }} <li class="navlinks-container"> {{ if .Pre }} <a class="navlinks-parent" title="{{ . [Read More]
Hugo  icons  navbar 

Staticman Script in Pure JS

Staticman without jQuery

The official Staticman script sample depends on jQuery. I have been using jQuery in my Staticman script for nested comments for more than six months. Recently, in the new release of Hugo Swift Theme, in which I’m a collaborator, one has removed all jQuery methods at commit f137efa4. Here’s the structure of the script: auxiliary functions like elem, elems, pushClass, deleteClass, etc. A self-executing function comments() some necessary local variables handleForm() consisting merely of an event listener handling form submission. [Read More]

Staticman With Introduction Theme

Goal To port Huginn’s Staticman integration to Introduction. Difficulties I’ve used some class names from Minimal Mistakes since the modals in the original code clashes with Introduction’s mobile responsive card display for projects. If I had know the practice of prepending a CSS class to avoid overiding the CSS properties of other components of a web site, I wouldn’t have mixed this Jekyll theme with my template for nested comments. [Read More]

More Static Nested Comments

Background I’ve made nested comment support for Beautiful Hugo, which I’ve ported to other Hugo themes like Introduction, Hyde-hyde, etc. Problem I Some of those Hugo themes that I worked with did show the HTML form, but the CSS styles were gone on the GitLab Pages. Reason I This is due to the lack of resources/_gen/ in the indexed repo for themes making use of assets/. Solution I Check that you have the required prerequisites. [Read More]

Huginn Theme With Staticman

Goal To provide Staticman support to the Hugo theme Huginn. Motivation A Framagit user tried using the public GitLab instance but failed. Finally, he removed Staticman from his site and his Hugo theme. If I had been notified, I would have explained that that was due to the constraint of gitlabBaseUrl, which could only take one GitLab instance. In response to demand for Staticman from Framagit users, I set up another GitLab instance of Staticman API and forked some Hugo/Jekyll repo under the project page Staticman et GitLab Pages. [Read More]

Improved Integration of Hugo and $\KaTeX$

Problem There’s no custom $\KaTeX$ macro in local preview since I’ve merged some recent commits from the upstream of this blog’s theme, in particular, Beautiful Hugo’s pull requests #246 and #255, which allowed self-hosting the theme’s static JS, CSS and font files. This self-hosted option is particularly useful in case of slow response from Cloudflare’s CDN. Even they do appear on the public GitLab site, the final rendered Markdown + $\TeX$ code would be succumb to syntax errors due to their absence in the preview process. [Read More]
KaTeX  Mmark  Hugo 

Replacing Deprecated Hugo Syntax in Blog Theme

Fixing Beautiful Hugo issue #261

Problem Since the recent Hugo upgrade to v0.55.3, the following messages popped up after each local site regeneration with hugo server. WARN 2019/04/24 18:07:00 Page's .URL is deprecated and will be removed in a futu re release. Use .Permalink or .RelPermalink. If what you want is the front matte r URL value, use .Params.url. WARN 2019/04/24 18:07:00 Page's .Hugo is deprecated and will be removed in a fut ure release. Use the global hugo function. [Read More]

Staticman Failure on Tsalikis' Site

Use Alternative Staticman API server

After reading Hugo Comments with Staticman on Kostas Tsalikis’ web site, I tried to leave the following comment. As far as I know, Staticman can be used only with GitHub, since it works as a GitHub bot. Obviously, not all static sites are saved in GitHub, and this may be a showstopper for someone using another service. Thanks to eduardoboucas/staticman#219, Staticman now supports GitLab. You may view my demo Hugo site on Framagit at https://staticman-gitlab-pages. [Read More]

Staticman Repo Setup Errors

Common Staticman Config Erorrs in Git repos

Background Idem to Staticman on Framagit. Besides, the build time for my Staticman + Beautiful Hugo demo on Framagit is half of that for the same project on GitLab.com. Problem After the setup, it’s possible that the theme shows “Sorry! There’s an error during submission.” To get an insight into this error, one has to open Web Developer Tools → Network and select the row corresponding to the POST request sent to the Staticman API. [Read More]

Staticman on Framagit

It’s a pity that some GitLab users have removed Staticman from their repo. I saw demand for Staticman from Framagit users. Therefore, after two days of testing, another API instance for Framagit has been created at https://staticman-frama.herokuapp.com. (Edit: typo edited, please see my comment below.) The default GitLab base URL is set to “https://gitlab.com”. To provide Staticman support for a self-hosted GitLab service, another Staticman API server has to be set up. [Read More]