Fixed Archetype Error for This Site

Background In Customized Archetype for This Site, I was using {{ slicestr .Name 11 | humanize | title }} in the title attribute in my site’s archetypes/, so that the first 11 characters (YYYY-MM-DD-) would be taken out if I type this command. $ hugo new post/$(date -I)-<MY_POST_TITLE>.md In practice, <MY_POST_TITLE> can be replaced to any title, like my-post-title. Problem I wanted to create my IntelliJ cheatsheet, so I typed this command. [Read More]

Upgrade Font Awesome in Beautiful Hugo Theme

Technical adjustment to Font Awesome's official guide

Background Beautiful Hugo comes with Font Awesome icons. However, it seems that it’s no longer maintained. Goal To upgrade Font Awesome to the current stable version (6.1.1). Problem The official guide for self-hosting Font Awesome Web Fonts + CSS suggests users to place the following files filepath role /fontawesome/webfonts/ Free Web Fonts /fontawesome/css/all.min.css CSS file for using Free Web Fonts into somewhere in my theme. The left column of the diagram features the folder assets/. [Read More]

Deploy Hugo Theme exampleSite With Github Actions

Motivation To test PRs on the upstream of a Hugo theme by setting up a testing branch. Goal To deploy a forked GitHub repo for a Hugo theme with exampleSite to GitHub Pages using GitHub Actions. The whole article is based on my fork of Hugo Future Imperfect Slim. References GitHub Actions for Hugo A Stack Overflow question showing pwd in GitHub Actions A Hugo Discourse post about testing exampleSite Difficulties I had failed for about ten times before I got the job done. [Read More]

Site Maintenance for Hugo v0.60

Background I lacked motivation to keep this tweaked theme up with Hugo’s development after last summer. When I came back yesterday, I saw that some pages using Font Awesome icons were broken. Apart from that, the ToC list level problem resurfaced. Fixed ToC The solution that I had adopted no longer worked. Luckily, some users provided a shorter code in the later discussions. The one from user501254 caught me. I first tried to copy his code into the partial layout for ToC. [Read More]

Customized Archetype for This Site

Background I prefer including the date into the Permalink of a post. Everytime I create a new post, I type hugo new post/$(date -I) to ensure that the date is correct. Problem The title field in the post’s front matter contained the date, which wasn’t something that I wanted because it’s already shown next to the icon. Observations Neither \d nor [\d] works for the PCRE character class \d. Solution I tried piping replaceRE, but I didn’t manage to get it work. [Read More]

Icon in Hugo Navbar

Motivation The original navbar in words took up half of the horizontal spaces of the viewport. I couldn’t add new items like “Tags” to display the tag list. Work Thanks to the pre field in Hugo Menus, one can easily add the icon as an HTML element by some editing on the template file. {{ range .Site.Menus.main.ByWeight }} {{ if .HasChildren }} <li class="navlinks-container"> {{ if .Pre }} <a class="navlinks-parent" title="{{ . [Read More]
Hugo  icons  navbar 

Staticman With Introduction Theme

Goal To port Huginn’s Staticman integration to Introduction. Difficulties I’ve used some class names from Minimal Mistakes since the modals in the original code clashes with Introduction’s mobile responsive card display for projects. If I had know the practice of prepending a CSS class to avoid overiding the CSS properties of other components of a web site, I wouldn’t have mixed this Jekyll theme with my template for nested comments. [Read More]

More Static Nested Comments

Background I’ve made nested comment support for Beautiful Hugo, which I’ve ported to other Hugo themes like Introduction, Hyde-hyde, etc. Problem I Some of those Hugo themes that I worked with did show the HTML form, but the CSS styles were gone on the GitLab Pages. Reason I This is due to the lack of resources/_gen/ in the indexed repo for themes making use of assets/. Solution I Check that you have the required prerequisites. [Read More]

Huginn Theme With Staticman

Goal To provide Staticman support to the Hugo theme Huginn. Motivation A Framagit user tried using the public GitLab instance but failed. Finally, he removed Staticman from his site and his Hugo theme. If I had been notified, I would have explained that that was due to the constraint of gitlabBaseUrl, which could only take one GitLab instance. In response to demand for Staticman from Framagit users, I set up another GitLab instance of Staticman API and forked some Hugo/Jekyll repo under the project page Staticman et GitLab Pages. [Read More]

Improved Integration of Hugo and $\KaTeX$

Problem There’s no custom $\KaTeX$ macro in local preview since I’ve merged some recent commits from the upstream of this blog’s theme, in particular, Beautiful Hugo’s pull requests #246 and #255, which allowed self-hosting the theme’s static JS, CSS and font files. This self-hosted option is particularly useful in case of slow response from Cloudflare’s CDN. Even they do appear on the public GitLab site, the final rendered Markdown + $\TeX$ code would be succumb to syntax errors due to their absence in the preview process. [Read More]
KaTeX  Mmark  Hugo