Dvisvgm's Issue With Fill Pattern


Generate SVG file for TikZ graphics.


  1. TeX → PDF with PDFLaTeX
  2. PDF → SVG with dvisvgm -P filename

Example: I generated a PGF plot from the source code on my personal template.

working SVG
working PDF
Git Bash for PDF
Git Bash for SVG


When I applied this method to the following TeX code in my previous post, dvisvgm -P returns a blank SVG.

\begin{axis}[axis lines=center,legend style={at={(0.7,0.7)},anchor=south west}]
\addplot [domain=-3:3, thick, smooth, yellow] { 1/sqrt(2*pi)*exp(-x^2/2) };
\addlegendentry{$y = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}} e^{-x^2/2}$};
\addplot [dashed, yellow] coordinates {(1.5,0) (1.5,0.14)};
\addlegendentry{99th percentile};
\addplot[domain=-3:1.5, pattern=north east lines,draw=none, fill opacity=0.3]
  { 1/sqrt(2*pi)*exp(-x^2/2) } \closedcycle;

This code passes the compiler.

pattern PDF
empty SVG
same cmd in Git Bash

Technical info

  • OS: Windows 10
  • MikTeX Console 4.7
  • dvisvgm 2.11.1
$ dvisvgm -V1
dvisvgm 2.11.1
brotli:      1.0.9
clipper:     6.2.1
fontforge:   20160721
freetype:    2.10.3
Ghostscript: 9.25
kpathsea:    MiKTeX 22.3
potrace:     2.11.1
xxhash:      0.8.1
zlib:        1.2.11

mgieseki/dvisvgm#158: OP used pattern=bricks in his LaTeX code.

  • failed: TeX → DVI → SVG
  • succeeded: TeX → DVI → PS → PDF

He claimed that that’s reproducible with TeX Live 2021.

The project owner said that that’s a known issue with version 2.11.1, and that’s fixed in later version.

However, I would wait until MikTeX includes this update to avoid compatibility issues.

LaTeX  dvisvgm  SVG 

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