Sekai ๐ŸŒ ๐Ÿ—บ

Sekai (ไธ–็•Œ) is the kanji for “the world”. That’s a great word because of the scale that it designates.

My First Post


Hello World! This is my new GitLab page powered by Hugo. I’m setting up this blog to practise my math, foreign languages and IT skills.

Why Hugo?

My original goal is to set up a personal blog for posting math.

I used to work with Octopress, but resolving the dependencies and other technical issues had actually took much more time and effort than expected. As a result, I digressed a lot from my studies to look into those problems.

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Math Sample

Using KaTeX

This is a sample created by the developer of Beautiful Hugo.

KaTeX can be used to generate complex math formulas server-side.

$$ \phi = \frac{(1+\sqrt{5})}{2} = 1.6180339887\cdots $$

Additional details can be found on GitHub or on the Wiki.

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Code Sample

Using Hugo or Pygments

This is a sample created by the developer of Beautiful Hugo.

The following are two code samples using syntax highlighting.

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j— title: “Import Once in Julia” date: 2021-08-23T16:24:40+02:00 categories:

  • technical support tags:
  • julia draft: false


I’m reading Think Julia to repick the language again.

  • To import a package/module, we using Foo.
  • To run a script within the REPL, we include("foo.jl").

This is useful for user-defined functions, which are usually multi-line.


How to avoid importing a module/including a file twice?


Here’s a modified code from the book to give an example.

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