Tikz Loop Over Coordinates

This is my belated response to a self-identified dupe on TeX.SE.


The list in a \foreach loop is often long.

\foreach \pointA/\pointB in {{(1,0)}/{(2,2)},{(3,4)}/{(2,1)}} {
  \draw \pointA -- \pointB;

Imagine having several other loop variables. The code inside the {…} list won’t be readable.


How can I make it looks smarter?

\foreach \pointA/\pointB in {
} {
  \draw \pointA -- \pointB;

doesn’t work.


Recently, I was asked the way to make two graphs to illustrate a complex function.

latex complex function graph

\foreach \x\hl\vl\gl\c [count=\xi] in {
    (0.3*\myLen, 0.1*\myLen)
      .. controls ++(165:-1) and ++(240: 1) .. ++(3, 2)
      .. controls ++(240:-1) and ++(165:-1) .. ++(-1, 2)
      .. controls ++(165: 1) and ++(175:-2) .. ++(-3, -2)
      .. controls ++(175: 2) and ++(165: 1) .. cycle
    (2.4*\myLen, 0.37*\myLen)
      .. controls ++(200:-1) and ++(280: 1.65) .. ++(3, 2)
      .. controls ++(280:-1.65) and ++(165:-1) .. ++(-1.5, -0.5)
      .. controls ++(165: 1) and ++(175:-2) .. ++(-0.5, -1)
      .. controls ++(175: 2) and ++(200: 1) .. cycle
} {
  \draw[<->] (\x, \myLen) node[above] {$\vl$} -- ++(0,-\myLen) coordinate (O\xi) -- ++(\myLen,0) node[right] {$\hl$}
  node[midway,anchor=north,below=.5cm,align=center,text width=4.5cm]{\gl};
  \draw[yellow, thick] \c;
\draw[->,postaction={decorate,decoration={text along path,text align=center,text={|\itshape\myshift|f}}}]
  ($(O1) + (0.5*\myLen, 0.5*\myLen)$) to [bend left=25] ($(O2) + (0.5*\myLen, 0.5*\myLen)$);
\node[above, font=\huge] at (current bounding box.north) {\LaTeX{} 複函數圖像範例};


Thanks to the comments and ljguo’s answer, I know that PGFFor parses \y in {{(0,0)}, {(1,3) }} as

  1. (0,0) ({} taken away since ) and } are consecutive characters.)
  2. {(1,3) } ({} preserved to keep the whitespace at the end.)

The EOL inside {} is also parsed into whitespace by PGFFor.


Use % to hide the EOL.

\foreach \pointA/\pointB in {
  \draw \pointA -- \pointB;

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