I firsted tried with foreach
, but that would create so much paths. I found
them difficult to operate on later, for example, with PGF plots library
fillbetween. const plot
is a better solution.
axis lines=center,
legend style={at={(1,1)},anchor=north east,fill=none},
title style={at={(0.5,1.05)}},
every axis x label/.style={
at={(ticklabel* cs:1)},
every axis y label/.style={
at={(ticklabel* cs:1)},
title={sum of hatched region converges to Euler's constant},
extra x ticks={1, \myN},
extra x tick labels={$1$, $n$},
extra y ticks={1},
\addplot[name path=A,domain=1:\myN,samples=501,smooth] {1/x} \closedcycle;
\addlegendentry{$y = \frac{1}{x}$};
\addplot+[domain=1:\myN+1,samples=\myN+1,jump mark left,blue,mark=*,mark options={draw=blue,fill=blue}] {1/x};
\addlegendentry{$y = \frac{1}{\lfloor x \rfloor}$};
\addplot+[name path=B,domain=1:\myN+1,samples=\myN+1,jump mark left,mark=none, draw=none] {1/x} \closedcycle;
\addplot[pattern=north east lines] fill between [of=A and B];
Technical details:
- fillbetween is a PGF Plots library instead of a TikZ library.
- Axis labels are now at aligned with axis’ arrow tips.
- This causes the overlapping of a long title and the y-axis label. We introduced a slight upward shift to separate them.
jump mark left
is a special type ofconst plot mark left
without vertical lines. We take verical lines away to avoid error in filling. In the manual, the line containingjump mark left
starts with\addplot+
.- The colour outside
mark options
is for the line connecting the points. Insidemark options
is for the outer boundary, andfill
is for the filling. - Without
, thefill between [of=A and B]
won’t work as expected.