More Static Nested Comments


I’ve made nested comment support for Beautiful Hugo, which I’ve ported to other Hugo themes like Introduction, Hyde-hyde, etc.

Problem I

Some of those Hugo themes that I worked with did show the HTML form, but the CSS styles were gone on the GitLab Pages.

Reason I

This is due to the lack of resources/_gen/ in the indexed repo for themes making use of assets/.

Solution I

  1. Check that you have the required prerequisites. For example, Introduction requires autoprefixer and postcss-cli.
  2. Update submodule for the theme in the directory holding the source code of the static site.
  3. Type hugo [server] so that the resources are locally generated.
  4. Push the repo.

Problem II

The approach in my linked blog post is too complicated. It makes use of a mix of JavaScript and Hugo template. This can be hard to comprehend and port, since the file structure for JavaScripts isn’t the same in different themes. It’s better to make the internal referencing for nested comment display entirely in Hugo.

Analysis II

In Huginn theme, I’ve modified my PR for Beautiful Hugo so that the id attribute of the HTML tag containing the comment is set to the _id of the data file for the comment. This works great in the demo site: As a result, I’m motivated to develop other features on top of this, like the display of reply target on top of the comment form when the reply button is clicked.

However, in Beautiful Hugo’s Staticman integration, the id attribute for the <article> tag for each .static-comment has been set to comment-N.

Solution II

Here’s the approach of my updated PR. The first two steps have been introduced with Beautiful Hugo’s Staticman integration.

  1. Render all “main comments” (not replying to any comments).

  2. Render all “comment replies”, sorted in chronological order according to their eldest ancestor.

  3. When each comment is rendered, record its “thread number” as hasComments and its “reply number” as hasReplies. The former and the later start from one ane zero respectively.

    • In case of “main comments”, the id attribute would be comment-N;
    • In case of “comment replies”, the id attribute would be comment-NrM, in which r stands for “reply”.
    comment _id threadID computed hasReplies generated HTML tag id
    38862b00-06f2-11e9-9615-79c046dbfeb8 nil 0 comment-1
    518dbe00-0707-11e9-8912-c790845d78b1 3886...feb8 1 comment-1r1
    a0e9c470-b1c1-11e9-8550-2509fccf9571 3886...feb8 2 comment-1r2
  4. Construct a mapping for each thread. Take the first thread in a sample post on the demo site as an example.

    {{ $.Scratch.SetInMap "replyIndices" ._id ($.Scratch.Get "hasReplies") }}

    After a day of research with Hugo’s .Scratch, I’ve construced a mapping from _id to hasReplies (from the first column to the third column in the above table). The reason for constructing a mapping instead of a slice (an array with indefinite length) is that there’s no easy method for searching for an element and its index in an array. One has to go primitive and loop over the entire array. Nesting an inner loop inside another inner loop would add difficulty to the maintenance work.

  5. For each comment reply, construct the bookmark

    <a href="#comment-NrM">{{ .replyName }}</a>

    by finding the right “reply number” M from the mapping, with the comment reply’s replyID as the input argument for the mapping. (i.e. “replyIndices[.replyID]”)

    {{- $replyTargetIndex := (index ($.Scratch.Get "replyIndices") .replyID) -}}

Since commit 4c08241e, this static bookmark reference has been available.

UI improvement after solving the main problem

See commits 9d994eea..6c68c1ac for the actual comparison, and the commit message of 492c265d a brief summary.

Improved Beautiful Hugo UI


zeta's gravatar

zeta Vincent Tam

Thanks a lot. I’ve mostly sorted it out. One question (sorry if it is too blunt, I’m pretty new to html/css and javascript): In the staticman-comments.html and staticman.js files for this blog, you are adding/removing a hidden class to show/hide buttons, reply notices etc. For that to work in my set-up, I had to add

.staticman-comments .hidden {
   display: none;

to my staticman.css file. Was wondering how it works here because I could not find such a definition in your css files. I’m aware of the hidden attribute of html, but not of any standard hidden class.

Vincent Tam's gravatar

Vincent Tam zeta

In any modern web browser, right click on submit button to inspect element. In the “styles” box, search relevant CSS rules.


screenshot uploaded thx 2 imgur

questions are welcome! every master was once a novice.

p.s. I’m not yet a web dev’er. actually i didn’t even know that’s in bootstrap’s CSS b4 answering your question. when i wrote the nested comment support last year, i only knew that the hidden class in defined somewhere without knowing the exact location. I put it under the class for the whole comment section `staticman-comments" b/c that’s a practice that I learnt from daattali/beautiful-jekyll#440 to avoid overriding CSS rules for other components.

zeta's gravatar

zeta Vincent Tam

Gotcha! It makes sense now. I am not using bootstrap, so that’s why I needed to write some extra lines in my staticman.css. Thanks again for the excellent tutorial. I now have a working comments section. Cheers!

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