Upgraded to Hugo v0.135


  1. 18 months ago, I used latest Docker image in GitLab container resgitry for Hugo extended at commit 168fe3d.
  2. Six years ago, I integrated static comments to this blog.
  3. Last week end, when my friend tested static comments here, she reported that @StaticmanLab’s GitLab token had been expired. As a result, I updated it and re-deployed my Staticman instance.


I wrote a sample comment containing math equations to test if it’s still working. The back-end processes were fine, but the site rebuilding wasn’t successful, as commit c531a0b reveals.


Remembering that I was using the latest Docker image on GitLab’s container registry, I ran hugo serve after updating my Hugo (extended verison) to the latest version on M$ Win* 11.

$ hugo serve
Watching for changes in
Watching for config changes in
Start building sites …
hugo v0.135.0-f30603c47f5205e30ef83c70419f57d7eb7175ab+extended windows/amd64
BuildDate=2024-09-27T13:17:08Z VendorInfo=gohugoio

ERROR invalid front matter: published: %!!(MISSING)s(bool=false): see
ERROR invalid front matter: date: 18 avril 2023: see
ERROR invalid front matter: published: %!!(MISSING)s(bool=false): see
WARN  deprecated: .Site.IsMultiLingual was deprecated in Hugo v0.124.0 and will
be removed in a future release. Use hugo.IsMultilingual instead.
WARN  calling IsSet with unsupported type "ptr" (*page.siteWrapper) will always
return false.
WARN  calling IsSet with unsupported type "invalid" (<nil>) will always return
Built in 5008 ms
Error: error building site: logged 3 error(s)
[1]+  Exit 1                  hugo serve

When I made those HTML slides, I thought that they were part of my posts' contents, which were placed under contents/post/…. They include the Markdown source file and the generated HTML slides. To avoid hugo’s interpretation of those Markdown source files, whose file extension name is MD, I put the front matter parameter publised: false at the start of those MD files.

However, in recent Hugo releases, HTML files are no longer included in Hugo’s output. After some searching, I moved them to static/ because that’s the only solution I knew. At that time, the published paramter still accepted boolean values. The site regeneration for commit fa2a2b4 was smooth.

$ git checkout fa2a2b4; git grep --name-only '^published: '; git checkout master

Before c531a0b, I didn’t expect the above ERROR to occur. Due to this failure, I checked Hugo’s docs for that front matter parameter, and I found that it had been changed to “alias to publishDate”.


The above ERROR output was self-explanatory.

  1. Removal of that obsolete front matter parameter in content/.
  2. Moved those Markdown source files’ path from content/ to static/ at commit a199491.
  3. Replaced lastest in .gitlab-ci.yml by 0.135.0 at commit 53669ec, so that any Docker image update on GitLab container registry won’t break a future site regeneration.

Skills reviewed

Use :r [cmd] to put the result of a Vim [cmd] under the cursor.


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