Staticman Failure on Tsalikis' Site

Use Alternative Staticman API server

After reading Hugo Comments with Staticman on Kostas Tsalikis’ web site, I tried to leave the following comment.

As far as I know, Staticman can be used only with GitHub, since it works as a GitHub bot. Obviously, not all static sites are saved in GitHub, and this may be a showstopper for someone using another service. Thanks to eduardoboucas/staticman#219, Staticman now supports GitLab. You may view my demo Hugo site on Framagit at Source) as a working example.

Staticmanlab accepting new invitations

Therefore, the URL in the endpoint in the site config file in your post will no longer work for new theme users. I quote the notice in Minimal Mistakes for reference.

Note: Please note that as of September 2018, Staticman is reaching GitHub API limits due to its popularity, and it is recommended by its maintainer that users deploy their own instances for production (use site.staticman.endpoint).

Unluckily, the form submission had failed, I opened tsalik/ to inform the project owner of that.


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